Friday 30 November 2012

The universe and me

When we're young, we all make plans of who we want to be, who we want to marry, how rich we are going to be and the list goes on; In our naive state of mind we plan out every detail in our lives. The older we get though, the more realize that achieving these goals are not as easy as it seems, at least  for some of us, and some of us may not even achieve one of these preset goals.
 In some cases as you get older, your mentality of the world changes and so does these initial plans. That's the great thing about life though, different opportunities present itself, even if these were not the plans you had in mind initially. When we look back on those days when we dreamt to be an astronaut, or a doctor, or a scientist and you look at where you are and what you are doing, you sometimes have to smile, smile because you realize now, that is not something you have an interest in as an adult. I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger and now, well I'm not a veterinarian. I lost my interest back in high school when I  realized that I was poor at Physics, my morbid fear of blood also assisted in me choosing another career path.

Some people go through years without knowing what they want in life and some from the get go makes a plan and work towards that plan. And now they are settled comfortably into what they want to do for the rest of their lives. This is so funny though, we go to school for many years, many, many years (primary, secondary tertiary) for us to find a job and work until we die,(who came up with these rules?!) but that is an aside. My point is that, it is only later in our lives that we realize that the universe has more control over our lives than we think. The universe works in mysterious ways though and I believe that ultimately, if you want something bad enough you will get it so long as you put in the work, but sometimes the universe makes some poor decisions on our behalf.

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